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Vada pav

Writer's picture: lifeunearthlifeunearth

Required items :

Pav : pav bun or any bun

Butter : for applying on the bun

Dry ingredients for vada :----

Turmeric powder : 1 tea spoon

Chilli powder : 1 tea spoon

Salt to taste

Oil to fry

Raw ingredients for vada :------------

Potato : 1 kg

Onions : 2 large nos

Coriander leaves : 1/2 bunch

Chickpea flour /besan : 2 cups

Refined wheat flour/ maida : 1 cup

Ingredients for garlic chutney powder:

Peanuts 🥜 : 50 grams

Chickpea dal/ channa dal : 50 grams

Grated coconut🥥 : from 1 full raw coconut

Garlic : 50 grams

Chilli powder : 1 tea spoon

Ghee/ refined butter : 1 tea spoon 

Turmeric : 1 tea spoon

Salt to taste

Ingredients for green chutney: 

Coriander leaves : half bunch

Mint leaves : half bunch

Ginger : 50 grams

Tomato : 1 small

Raw chilli : 2 to 3 nos

Salt to taste

Procedure to prepare the garlic chutney:  In a pan dry roast the peeled garlic for a minute or two in low flame then add the peanuts roast for another minute add the chickpea dal/ channa dal and 1 tea spoon of Ghee.  Keep stirring it.  Add the grated coconut and stir for half a minute and add chilli powder and salt.  Stir it for a minute and make a powder out of it by grinding it. 

Keep it aside. 

Procedure to make green chutney:

Grind all the ingredients mentioned for green chutney together and keep it aside. 

Procedure for making vada:-------

Boil the potatoes and mash it. 

Add chopped coriander, onion, salt and chilli powder. 

Take small portion and make round balls from it.

In a separate bowl make a thick batter mixing the chickpea flour/ Besan, refined wheat flour/ maida, turmeric powder, salt and water. (if desired can add chilli powder in the batter as well) 

Dip the potato balls in the batter and deep fry it. 

Cut the bun half way in the middle. 

In a flat pan heat the bun by applying butter. 

Apply the green chutney inside the bun where it is sliced half way through then place 1 tea spoon of the garlic chutney powder and then place the vada. 

Have it immediately when it is still warm.

Along with it green chillies can be fried in the oil and be served with the vada pav. 


Life Unearth since 2017

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